Monday, January 14, 2013


1.    Hizmat Movement: A modern miracle! (Thomas V Kunnunkal SJ)
2.    A Christian Visits Turkey (Dr Herman Roborgh SJ)
3.    The Best Things in Life are Free (Bob McCahill)
4.    We have a similar dream, which is to create prosperity and peace in our country: Jesuits and Madrasa students reflect together (Billy Aryo Nugroho SJ)
5.    'I know you're serious.' And that's dialogue for me (Dr Samuel Packiam)
6.    Pakistan and India Friendship Forum (Joe Kalathil SJ)
7.    A Pilgrimage to Akbar’s Tomb (Victor Edwin SJ)
8.    Trappist nuns in Azeir, a sign of hope for Syria at war (Asia News)

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